
July 11, 2010 at 8:52 PM (Uncategorized) ()

back over to the old blog, but I will have the new title:

On the Edge

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Blogger’s Note

July 11, 2010 at 1:30 PM (Uncategorized) ()

Now that I found I could access my old blog’s dashboard, provided I login using my old account and a new password, I may end up moving everything back to Blogger, if possible.

I have over 37,000 posts over there posted during a period of over seven years. I also can run ads there, unlike here.


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I Felt This Post from a Jobless Board

July 11, 2010 at 9:50 AM (Uncategorized) ()

was worth putting here because it points out the utter folly in the GOP plan for the jobless benefits to be put on “pay-go” when in fact it is emergency spending on something that has ALREADY been paid for through taxes of employers (which in turn are included as part of an employee’s wages/salaries):

We have a difference in opinion. We cannot allow the extension to be paid for which is what McConnell is saying and according to him, a 30-day extension, and what then for everyone else because you have now set a awful precedent which will never be broken. All this pay-go is so much BS as far as Unemployment Benefits go. If accepted as pay-go, from this day forward, a precedent has been set wherein we will never see emergency funding again, and if this is not an emergency, I don’t know what is. For instance, in the case of the 99ers, the only way they would be able to get extended benefits would be through pay-go because we have now set a precedent that emergency benefits must be paid for before they are extended. The 99ers will never get an extension if that happens because it might tax the rich and God forbid we tax the rich! OR IT MIGHT BRING JOBS BACK TO THE USA, GOD FORBID. Do you see what is happening now, well if we set a precedent, there will be no stopping them. The economy is not getting better it is getting worse. If we can only afford on pay-go a 30-day extension now, what do you think is going to happen to everyone else besides you. If we go with pay-go what will happen at the end of November when yours and all unemployment benefits cease for those of us in this predicament. Unemployment benefits have been paid for by you and me and our employers and we have a right to them because we paid for them. I am not going to pay for it again. I am sitting here with $1 and that is it. Gab, I received 26 wks. UC and on May 29th my benefits stopped just because I fell into an unlucky week and I have been sheet outta luck for a while now. I have been without a check for 6 wks, am a single mom, one daughter living at home while attending college. No child support.

Those Republican spent so much money without pay-go (the Wall Street Bailout, and two wars come to mind) and now they feel emergency benefits should be paid for, during this crisis. Think, this is game playing, every other low employment crisis we have ever had has never had a pay-go consideration for the crisis, What\’s up with that?!. Unemployment Benefit should never be a paid for item, ever. They will have us on our knees in the future, I promise you that if we take their nickle. When one of these Senators (GOP) has an emergency in their state will we all stand up and say “hey wait a minute, this has got to be paid for,” of course not.

This is political posturing at its finest and both parties are at fault but when I’ve paid for something, I am not going to pay for it again. I say no to pay-go, I will sit here sending out resumes until my fingers fall off and eat “water” before I hope for a measly 30-day extension and f*** everyone else when it is their turn for extra weeks, this is not going away in 30-day, get mad, no way I let my fellow citizens down for 30-day extension, will you do that. You are setting yourself up to be screwed.

Most of us are going to need another extension in November because there are not jobs, if it is paid for now, do you think we have a chance in hell of getting it again. Not a snowballs chance. Always say “no” to pay-go on Emergency Unemployment Benefits or we will see the end of the whole Unemployment Benefits System and what we will see is Welfare, is that what you want. I worked for 32 years, it is the government fault we are in this position, not mine. Everyone else got bailed out, why not you and me. I will not accept Welfare, not until my children are starving. Think again.

We all gotta wake up, get our rear-ends to Washington or your State’s Capitol any way we can and make a lot of noise and kick butt and get what we are entitled to. We are Americans. We American’s have gone soft, I can read it here, hoping and wishing is not going to help. What would our forefathers think of not putting up one hell of a fight, I wanna kick butt now before it is too late, in NOVEMBER IT WILL BE TOO LATE. I will get my rear-end to Washington and protest, is there any others who would be willing to do that?

The Republicans are finding a way to kill the UI program entirely, and this is a way to do it.

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Granted, It’s Lofty to Want to Help the Homeless,

July 11, 2010 at 9:11 AM (Uncategorized) ()

but why restrict it only to “families” and to “veterans”? Don’t people who don’t belong in either category need help, too. After all, they aren’t all drunks, crazies, and other “losers.”

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News, Etc.

July 11, 2010 at 9:08 AM (Uncategorized) ()

You’d have thought “cryonics” would have gone out of style following the Ted Williams debacle several years ago, but no chance. Some people are still into this ridiculous “preservation”

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There Has Never Been Any Doubt At All

July 10, 2010 at 3:44 PM (Uncategorized) (, )

Harry Reid is a shoo-in for re-election, and at least one defeated GOP senator has the guts to admit as much.

He also expressed concern the GOP has no real plan to govern even if the party wins one or both houses of Congress.

Of course they don’t; they are a reactive political party.

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Since We Have a True Jobs Crisis Out Here,

July 10, 2010 at 10:54 AM (Uncategorized) (, )

unprecedented for over 70 years, it is time to revisit the Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970, which provided for a “trigger” for automatic UI compensation when unemployment reached a certain figure, which, back then, was 6.5 percent. But over the years it got watered down until we have this current idiotic situation where Congress is passing tiers and having to vote to “extend” filing dates piecemeal while states and the jobless wonder when the hell the money is going to come.

The current situation is untenable and outrageous.

From the piece:

In the ’80s and ’90s, however, Congress diminished the effectiveness of the program by eliminating the national trigger, raising the state triggers and altering the trigger calculations in such a way that they hardly ever took effect. As a result, unemployed Americans now have to wait and worry as lawmakers debate each extension.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution: set up a new trigger. Heather Boushey from the Center for American Progress and I have proposed that whenever a state’s total unemployment rate rises above 6.5 percent or jobless claims increase by more than 20 percent, benefits should be offered for an additional 20 or more weeks. This program should be fully financed by the federal government, thereby alleviating states’ burden during the recession.

It makes too much sense to do that. It is much easier to play politics with people’s lives.

I was looking around for the Ed Show episode where Schultz was on a tear about Congress’s inaction towards the unemployed, especially those of us who have exhausted all benefits.  US Unemployed has the video.

Schultz has hit it on the head about this country going into third world status if something isn’t done, but one must recognize this is what these assholes WANT. This is the end result of 30 years of the upward transfer of wealth pushed by the neoliberals/Friedmanites in both political parties. Never mind that people will NOT tolerate destitution for very long while the rich have it all.

I came across this video put together by somebody who is mad as hell and won’t take it anymore.

I want every one of these people voted out who are against the unemployed and indeed anybody who is not rich.

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Congress’s Belief is if You Have Been Out of Work

July 10, 2010 at 8:48 AM (Uncategorized) ()

for nearly two years and STILL can’t find work, well, off with your head. I really couldn’t care less if Congress moves back the filing dates for a couple more months.

It is just delaying the inevitable, as more and more people will exhaust all benefits, and the economy is going to crash further.

Right now the number of exhaustees numbers in the millions, and millions more will soon join them. Job creation has been virtually nonexistent.

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It Isn’t Just the Fact National Politicians Like

July 10, 2010 at 8:27 AM (Uncategorized) (, )

Barack Obama and RNC chair Michael Steele are helping out their respective candidates in the Nevada Senate race that’s brought “national attention” to it, it’s also the fact Nevada Republicans have gone off the deep end and nominated the biggest laughingstock in the history of the state to run against incumbent senator Harry Reid.

The state already has the likes of John Ensign, soon-to-be former governor Jim Gibbons, and Congressman Dean Heller to hold the state up for national ridicule, but shithouse rat-crazy Sharron Angle takes the cake.

She criticizes Obama’s economic policies, rightly so, but of course she would do the same thing or even worse if she was actually elected to the United States Senate.

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Well, One Should Have a Cynical View

July 10, 2010 at 8:18 AM (Uncategorized) (, )

about Obama’s “jobs” plan, which is all but nonexistent and means there will be mass unemployment.

That’s a paradise for the neolibs. Lots and lots and lots of destitute, desperate people to drive down wages and living standards and in service of the tiny number of rich who are little more than parasites.

What the neolibs can’t figure out is if the host dies, these parasites will die, too.

Sections of big business are also dissatisfied with even the token measures included in the administration’s financial regulatory overhaul. They want still bigger tax cuts and subsidies, and an end to the business-bashing rhetoric in which Obama and other administration officials have occasionally indulged.

This pressure is reflected in the hardening of opposition by Republicans and a growing number of Democrats in Congress to even the most minimal relief measures, such as a continuation of emergency jobless benefits.

Recent days have seen press reports documenting a major shift in corporate campaign donations from the Democrats to the Republicans, including a Washington Post piece headlined “Democratic Campaign Committees Losing Big Wall Street Donors.”

The administration is impervious to the needs and wishes of millions of workers who are struggling to keep a roof over their heads and their families fed. But Obama jumps to attention when Wall Street speaks.

I have pretty much concluded Obama has been a failure as president and won’t be re-elected. His moving to the right doesn’t make him more electable but even less so, as he has alienated traditional Democratic constituencies.

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